APHA Szerző - Krajewski K. P.4


 Eocene age of the Baranowski Glacier Group at Red Hill, King George Island, West Antarctica.

Szerzők Mozer A.,  Pécskay Z.,  Krajewski K. P.
Megjelenés helye Polish Polar Research 36 (2015) 307
Impakt faktor 1.1822015
Jelleg Scientific paper, proceedings
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Transition from greenhouse (Eocene) to icehouse (Oligocene, Miocene) conditions on King George Island: An overview.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.,  Benkó Zs.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Geochronology of the Chopin Ridge Group I (King George Bay), King George Island, West Anterctica. Mazurek Point and Lions Cove formations.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Geochronology of the Moby Dick Group (Sherratt Bay, Destruction Bay), King George Island, West Antarctica. Destruction Bay and Cape Melville formations.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Geochronology of the Chopin Ridge Group II (Low Head, King George Bay), King George Island, West Antarctica. Polonez Cover and Boy Point formations.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Geochronology of the Ezcurra Inlet Group (Ezcurra Inlet and Point Thomas), King George Island, West Antarctica.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Geochronology of the Baranowski Glacier Group (Red Hill), King George Island, West Antarctica.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.,  Benkó Zs.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 King George Island, West Antarctica: Stratigraphic scheme of the Warszawa, Kraków, Melville Block.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.,  Benkó Zs.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Geochronology of the Point Hennequin Group (Mount Wawel), King George Island, West Antarctica.

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.
Megjelenés helye Geochronology and Paleoenvironmental Interpretation of Selected Rock Succession in West Antarctica. Conference - Project ATLAB. Warszawa, Poland, 28-29 May, 2014 0 (2014) 0
Jelleg Conf. abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.


 Paleoclimatic evolution of West Antarctica during the Cenozoic: New geochronology data from Isla 25 de Mayo (King George Island).

Szerzők Krajewski K. P.,  Pécskay Z.,  Molnár F.
Megjelenés helye Buenos Aires, Argentina, Institute of Antarctica Argentina, 19 March, 2013 0 (2013) 0
Jelleg Other abstract, poster, talk
Témák Earth, Cosmic and Environm. Res.
Összes Publikációja

Szerzői Táblázat

Total Headed by ATOMKI under name
of the author
Part of the author Part of the author & ATOMKI
Cited publications:200.50
Non-locally cited publications:200.50
Cited SCIpublications:100.250
Non-locally cited SCIpublications:100.250
SCICited publications:200.50
Non-locally SCIcited publications:200.50
SCICited SCIpublications:100.250
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications:100.250
Non-local citations:1303.250
Non-local SCIcitations:12030
Averaged impact:0.25504.0410
SCIaveraged impact:0.76700.250
Citational effectivity:6.500.50
Non-local citational effectivity:6.500.50
SCIcitational effectivity:600.50
Non-local SCIcitational effectivity:600.50
Publications, n:2.286000
SCIPublications, n:3000
Cited publications, n:3000
Non-locally cited publications, n:3000
Cited SCIpublications, n:3000
Non-locally cited SCIpublications, n:3000
SCICited publications, n:3000
Non-locally SCIcited publications, n:3000
SCICited SCIpublications, n:3000
Non-locally SCIcited SCIpublications, n:3000